Is Teeth Straightening Safe treatment?

Are you looking for teeth straightening treatment? Are you worried about which is the perfect treatment for you? Our cosmetic dentist has a treasure of knowledge in orthodontic treatments. Teeth straightening are one of the safest treatments. You will feel at ease throughout the treatment. Within six months, you will be happy with the result and will have a great smile.

What are the Teeth straightening treatments?


It is used to straighten your teeth and guide your teeth to have the correct position. It is made of wire and brackets to correct irregular teeth positioning. It also helps you to improve jaw movement, smile and helps in proper chewing of food. It is made of metal and is attached to the tooth to adjust the aligned teeth. Also, braces you can find of ceramic, tooth color, or make of clear materials.


Retainer treatment is used for teeth straightening. Today our dentists recommend retainers to correct teeth misalignment issues. It helps to maintain the new position of the teeth correctly. Well, there are two types of retainers – fixed retainers and removable retainers. Removable retainers are less visible. It is one of the most reliable and safest teeth straightening treatments.


 It is one of the more popular treatments for teeth straightening and is suitable for adults. Your doctor will measure your teeth and form aligners. Twice a month, the aligners should be changed and are repeated until your teeth are aligned. Aligners are made of clear plastic. They are less noticeable, so it is perfect for adults. Treatment with Invisalign takes 12 months to see the best results, however, it also depends from person to person.

4)Traditional braces:

Traditional metal braces work by applying pressure to your teeth. Slowly it helps to move your teeth into the desired position with the braces. It is one of the oldest treatments for tooth straightening. Traditional braces are effective and affordable for people.

How much do teeth straightening cost?

Teeth straightening are a cosmetic dental treatment, so it is a bit expensive. The cost of teeth straightening may vary from clinic and hospital. Remember that a removable aligner may cost you around £1,200 for each jaw, and traditional metal braces may be around £2,000.

By now, you are familiar with teeth straightening treatments. So we recommend before deciding, schedule appointments with our Orthodontist. For more information regarding straightening teeth, we always suggest you talk with your doctor to know the best treatment that suits you. If you need any further help, don’t forget to contact us, get all our details from our website. We will be blessed to help you thoroughly. We will be happy to see you back at our clinic.