Mike Mentzer’s Heavy Duty One Set Workout


Near the end of his career as a personal trainer Mike Mentzer determined that he was recommending workouts to his clients that had a set count that was too high for maximum muscle growth. He had been using 2-4 sets of maximum intensity per muscle group of but noticed that his clients’ results had ceased.

This puzzled him but after careful analysis he determined to reinvigorate new muscle growth he needed to reduce the sets to 1-2 for small muscles and 2-3 for larger ones. His clients began to break through plateaus and put on new muscle mass. All sets were taken to muscular failure.

When he received a call from top competitive bodybuilder Dorian Yates, who was training for the upcoming Mr. Olympia contest, he constructed a new program designed to add muscle quickly to Dorian’s frame. Believe it or not he used only one set for biceps and triceps as outlined in the program below. Since Dorian was used to hard training, he took to this program quickly and made excellent gains.

It is extremely important to put forth all-out effort for this HIT routine or it won’t work. You must train harder than ever before. Attempt to add reps and/or weight every session to overload the muscles. Give Mike’s routines a try to reinvigorate your training!

Leg Extensions-1 x 12-15, 15 second hold at top at end
Leg Press-1 x 12-15, 2 forced reps,15-second hold at top
Squats-1 x 12-15
Leg Curls-1 x 12-15, 2 forced reps,15-second hold at top
Stiff Leg Deadlifts-1 x 12-15
Calf raises or Toe Presses-1 x12-15, 15-second hold at top

Nautilus pullovers- 1 x 8-10, 15-second hold at top
Lat Pull-downs-1 x 8-10,2 forced reps, 15 sec hold at end
Cable Rows-1 x 8-10, 15-second max contraction hold at end
Machine Shrugs-1 x 8-10, 15-second max contraction hold at top

Pek Dek-1 x 8-10,2 forced reps, 15-second hold at end
Machine Bench presses-1 x 8-10, 15-second hold at top
Machine Lateral Raises-1 x 8-10, 15-second hold at top
Machine Presses-1 x 8-10, 2 forced reps, 15-second hold
(Do 1 set only of Lateral Raises or Machine Presses if adding 2 forced reps and 2 forced negative reps at end of set)

Machine Curls-1 x 8-10, 2 forced reps, 15-second hold at top
Cable Pull-downs Palms-Facing-1 x 8-10, 15 second hold at top
(Do 1 set only of curls if adding 2 forced and 2 forced negative reps at end of set)

Seated Triceps Extensions-1 x 8-10,2 forced reps, 15-second hold at end
Close-Grip Bench Presses-1 x 8-10, 15-second hold at top
(Dips can be substituted)
(Do 1 set only of Triceps Extensions if adding 2 forced reps and 2 forced negative reps at end of set)

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