Another Good Reason to Wear Wrist Wraps During a Workout
A wrist wrap is a band of elastic material tightly wrapped around the wrist to provide support during heavy lifting or while performing an exercise that places a high amount of stress on the wrist. Such wraps are a basic and effective accessory or gear in weightlifting. Durable fabrics such as nylon, cotton, suede, and leather are used in manufacturing straps. Wraps come in several varieties, styles, and material to suit the styles of different athletes. It is a tool for powerlifters, bodybuilders, weightlifting wrist support for weight training, strength and cross training for both men and women. This gear allows users lift heavy items at a time and it stabilizes the wrist joint for better performance.
Wrist wraps are designed to help bodybuilders or powerlifters lift more weight over longer workout and reap maximum benefits. The Wrist wrap is constructed in such a way to maximize wrist stability. It secures the wrist and helps minimize fatigue on the wrist during repetitions. To improve size and strength of specific muscle groups, using wrist wraps can help identify which muscle weaken first. These wraps function by essentially showing the weak points in the grip.
Why wraps should be used
Using this gear allows frequent training with heavier weights and permits more repetitions. During exercise, grasping the weight may become compromised and hinders repetition due to poor grip. The wrist wrap allows one concentrate on training specific muscles, prevents limitation, which in turn stimulates strength and muscle size. The essence of using such equipment is to enhance grip mount on a dumbbell, barbell or resistance cable machine. It allows concentration on target muscle groups during workout by securing the wrist to the weight. Wrist wrap reduces wrist fatigue and stress on the wrist and hand during weight lifting sessions.
When wraps should be used
Wrist wraps should be used only when lifting heavy weights. Using wraps continuously can affect muscle development in the forearm. Poor development of muscle in the forearm may affect lifting strength in an individual. Below are some of the examples when wraps are a must have:
- Individuals who have a wrist injury or recently suffered from injury
- Tendency of hyperextended wrist during bench press
- Older individuals or people suffering from wrist arthritis
- Lifting very heavy weights
Benefits using the wrist wrap
- It provides good posture to the wrist. Wrist wrap keeps the wrist straight. Thus, it reduces hyperextension caused by lifting.
- It helps protect the wrist during exercise like CrossFit that requires lots of repetitions, where focus is drawn towards fast movement rather than keeping the wrist in the right position; this may cause wrist stress or strain.
- During weightlifting, repetitions can be limited due to poor grip. Using wrist wraps provides good grip support and helps work on target muscles without worrying about the grip failing. Therefore, it allows one to train consistently for longer durations.
- It provides stability and flexibility to the wrist. Thus, it enhances workout variety, builds wrist strength and prevents wrist pains associated with workouts.
Happy Lifting!